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The New Jersey and Virginia gubernatorial elections are now less than two years away. Most major election outlets rated this year’s general elections in January and February of 2019, and those two dates are also a little less than two years apart. Given the interesting developments that have occurred in both states, I feel it is appropriate to give my initial ratings for these two races.

To a casual observer of American politics, it might be confusing what constitutes a “battleground state” in a presidential election. For instance, in the most recent presidential election, a state might have voted one way by as much as double-digits, but pundits talk as if it might vote the other way in the next. Why would the state in question be treated as competitive?

Let’s take a look towards the future and analyze the 2022 Senate races just for fun. Like all things, something could change with these races depending on what the national mood is like in 2022, but for now, at face value, this is how I rate the seats up for election.

There is one place in the US that has been, and is likely to remain, highly underrated in it’s importance. The place I’m referring to, surprisingly, is Nebraska, and more specifically its 2nd congressional district, which has been allowed to give its single electoral vote separate from the rest of the state.