Premier Blaine Higgs announced that an election for the New Brunswick Legislative Assembly will be held on September 14th.
As results came in throughout the night, it became clear that Stephanie Bice had defeated Terry Neese in OK-05’s contested GOP runoff.
The congressional incumbent, the biggest creature in Washington’s swamp, was considered one of the safest jobs in the city. What changed?
Kraz Greinetz interviews Jesse Jensen, the Republican nominee in WA-08. Elections Daily currently rates this race as Likely Democratic.
The Map Room heads to the swing state of Michigan, a large and politically competitive state that shocked by flipping to the GOP in 2016.
Republicans hold a narrow three-seat majority, so the 2020 Minnesota State Senate elections will be of vital importance for redistricting,
Republicans have a headache in Georgie with Marjorie Taylor Greene, but is there any way that members of Congress can deal with her?
Joe Szymanski interviews Michelle Fischbach, the Republican nominee in MN-07. Elections Daily rates this highly competitive race as a Tossup.
Proportional representation might fix the unrepresentative nature of the United Kingdom’s first-past-the-post Parliamentary elections.
As the 2021 Virginia elections draw near, Democrats aim to expand their majority while Republicans want to reverse their suburban decline.