The political party factions of the United States are numerous, and understanding them can help predict future trends in American politics
On the latest episode of Popcorn Politics, Dylan Wade and Eric Cunningham discuss SCOTUS and Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.
The Elections Daily team is keeping an eye on several states for potential Presidential, Senate, and Gubernatorial ratings changes.
Elections Daily has nine updates to our House Ratings this week, seven favoring Democrats and two favoring Republicans.
Arizona has highly competitive elections in both chambers of their legislature, and both could flip in the 2020 elections.
Observers have wondered if this ensuing fight over Amy Coney Barrett will impact the upcoming election, but the evidence it will is scant.
For the first time in 2020, a Canadian province is holding a reqhired election. The Saskatchewan Party is heavily in win this election.
Going into the May 2021 United Kingdom elections, devolved elections are becoming quasi-referendums on their constitutional futures.
The Troubles in Ireland were ended in 1998 by the Good Friday agreement. However, this agreement is currently under attack.
The latest Elections Daily ratings move the Senate race in Montana to Leans Republican; only one seat, Iowa, remains in the Tossup column.