Sarah Stook continues her series on America’s First Ladies, presidential wives, and White House hostesses.
Eric Cunningham explores the narrow path needed for Republicans to secure a supermajority in the 2024 Senate elections.
Sarah Stook looks back on America’s early First Ladies, from Martha Washington to Elizabeth Hay.
Sarah Stook looks back on the college education America’s presidents have received.
Cutler Bryant explains the dynamics in HD47, a Trump-won. Democratic-held state house seat in Robeson County, North Carolina.
Joe Szymanski explains the key races we’ll be following on Texas’s primary night, March 1, 2022.
Elections Daily covers the 2022 Texas Primaries.
Eric Cunningham provides an overview of North Carolina’s latest – and likely final – Congressional district map.
Oregon gubernatorial races are almost always competitive, but can Republicans finally flip the office in this blue state?
Joe Szymanski gives an overview of the new Pennsylvania congressional district and Elections Daily’s ratings.