Republicans secured the top two spots in the TX-06 special election, locking Democrats out of the runoff. Is this a sign of things to come?
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Exit polls have been released from the Indian legislative elections in Assam, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, and West Bengal.
The United Kingdom‘s Local Elections are taking place on the May 6, 2021. Elections will be contested in England, Scotland, and Wales.
Joe Szymanski talks with Tim Cox, one of the Republican candidates running in the primary for the 51st district in the House of Delegates.
Pakistani voters will head to the polls for the by-election in Karachi na-249, and the ruling PTI hopes to retain control of the seat.
The Political Matrix offers a look at how liberal or conservative the House, Senate, and all 50 state legislatures really are.
No ratings changes this month, but we’re keeping a close eye on a slew of competitive races in both houses of the New Jersey Legislature.
The House of Representatives reapportionment numbers are out, with a ton of surprises – including the narrow survival of RI02.
Virginia’s Republican SCC voted down an amendment that would have allowed observant Jews to vote on the May 8th convention, on the Sabbath.
Our April ratings update sees five ratings changes, with two seats moving towards the Democrats and three moving towards the Republicans.