There are primary elections in nine states and D.C. today. If you are able to vote, get out there. But read below to find out what might affect your ability to do so.
In 2018, many suburban Republican representatives were defeated, and in the aftermath Republicans have taken a new approach to dealing with Trump.
This year, with the presidential contests decided and no Senate race, the primaries across the state seem tempered. However, I still do believe that there are some that bear watching once polls close in the state come June 2nd.
It seems likely that, in the long run, Trumpism integrates into the existing conservative policy agenda rather than supplanting it.
On today’s episode of Popcorn Politics, we the discussed the joke that was the 2020 Libertarian convention as well as the TV show The Blacklist.
Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez (R) is running for Congress in FL-26 against incumbent Debbie Murcarsel-Powell (D), but is he the right fit for the seat?
Everyone on a campaign is united in the goal of electing a candidate of their choice, but most people are not aware of what working on a campaign is like.
Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Virginia will be among dozens of states that will allow voters to vote by mail without cause, and President Trump isn’t happy.
Sarah Stook explains the factors that have traditionally factored into how a Presidential nominee chooses their Vice President.
Current Pennsylvania Auditor General Eugene DePasquale is running for Congress, which means the Auditor General position is the only open row office this year.