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Elections Daily’s Open House, Senate, and Gubernatorial Ratings Public Document

Hi Everyone! First I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has given a lot of coverage to our standing 2022 ratings. We all really appreciate it, and I am very excited to share this with all of you.

This is our official public document for all our 2022 ratings! It’s nothing fancy, just a normal Google Sheet (so far!), but if you click here you will be taken to our public document.

Here you will see our rating for every House seat that has been drawn so far, as well as every Senate race and Gubernatorial race in 2022. This allows our followers to find our up to date ratings with a click of the button. It also allows you to see every seat in the House, along with candidates and incumbents. For all seats and states, if a candidates name is highlighted gray, that means the candidate is retiring. If the party label on the left is highlighted yellow, that means the seat is considered a flip from its current representative at the moment.

It is a relatively easy document to go through, and it allows for you all to get to our ratings much easier than before. We are very excited to continue rating these races in 2022, and hope to see you all for the entire journey. I hope you enjoy the new feature, and continue follow us with updates continuing the entire year.

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