Elections Daily is excited to announce the launch of our Maps Database! Thanks to generous contributions from mappers, we’ve compiled a collection of over 800 election maps. These stretch over a dozen countries, with results from the state down to the precinct level. Among the people who have graciously provided their maps are J. Miles Coleman of Sabato’s Crystal Ball (@JMilesColeman), Niles Francis (@NilesGAPol), Drew Savicki (@SenhorRaposa), Ethan Chen (@ECaliberSeven), Ben Lefkowitz (@OryxMaps), and Aseemru (@Aseemru), as well as several regular contributors and staff members at Elections Daily.
Because there are so many maps, we’ve created an organizational method to make it easy for users to locate the maps they are looking for. All of the maps are available to view or download in the highest visual quality. While every map is available for download, make sure to still ask the original creator for permission before using it in an article, presentation, or any other material.
Searching the Database
We’ve organized the database first and foremost by year. From there, we organize by region. National maps are listed first, while individual state maps are listed in alphabetical order. Maps for counties or cities go with the state they are in. Finally, we include the name of the map’s creator at the very end.
This is set up to be easily searchable on your computer or mobile device. You can search for any of the relevant factors and easily find what you are looking for. If you wanted to find all maps by Kraz Greinetz, for example, you could simply search for “Kraz Greinetz” and scroll through to find the maps you want.
Contributions and Questions
We will add more maps to this database over time, so be sure to check back. We’ll let you know when we’ve uploaded new maps in a sidebar widget. If you would like to contribute to the database, please email [email protected] or send a direct message on Twitter to @krazgreinetz.
If you notice any errors in the database or have any questions or concerns about a map, please email [email protected].