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The 2023 Virginia House of Delegates Elections: A Review

In the off-year elections of 2023 in the state of Virginia, after current Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin’s surprise victory in 2021, the state saw elections for its legislative chambers. The legislative chambers were the only elections on the ballot there, as the governor is elected to a non-consecutive four-year term. 

In the 2023 elections for the Virginia House of Delegates, multiple Youngkin-supported candidates faced off against candidates chosen by Virginia Democrats in one of the most closely watched elections of the 2023 cycle. Before the election was held, Republican had a narrow majority of 52-48 seats that they had earned in 2021, subsequently losing the chamber in 2023 in a narrow Democratic win of 51-49 seats. This article will examine districts decided by 8.00% or less.

Table Results by District and Election Maps

District Rep Votes Dem Votes 3rd Total RPCT DCPT
1 0 24,483 0 24,483 0.00% 100.00%
2 0 17,409 0 17,409 0.00% 100.00%
3 0 17,416 3,651 21,067 0.00% 82.67%
4 0 10,843 0 10,843 0.00% 100.00%
5 0 22,359 0 22,359 0.00% 100.00%
6 12,303 20,144 0 32,447 37.92% 62.08%
7 8,199 22,705 0 30,904 26.53% 73.47%
8 7,023 14,851 0 21,874 32.11% 67.89%
9 8,989 14,226 0 23,215 38.72% 61.28%
10 10,547 15,569 0 26,116 40.39% 59.61%
11 6,530 15,863 0 22,393 29.16% 70.84%
12 0 18,550 0 18,550 0.00% 100.00%
13 0 16,778 4,323 21,101 0.00% 79.51%
14 6,056 13,870 0 19,926 30.39% 69.61%
15 11,880 19,394 0 31,274 37.99% 62.01%
16 0 16,985 0 16,985 0.00% 100.00%
17 0 17,931 0 17,931 0.00% 100.00%
18 8,293 15,973 0 24,266 34.18% 65.82%
19 0 9,937 0 9,937 0.00% 100.00%
20 7,422 9,740 0 17,162 43.25% 56.75%
21 12,951 13,926 0 26,877 48.19% 51.81%
22 16,032 14,616 0 30,648 52.31% 47.69%
23 4,733 10,155 0 14,888 31.79% 68.21%
24 0 14,614 0 14,614 0.00% 100.00%
25 8,263 13,404 0 21,667 38.14% 61.86%
26 8,362 13,119 0 21,481 38.93% 61.07%
27 9,758 13,191 0 22,949 42.52% 57.48%
28 11,048 17,583 0 28,631 38.59% 61.41%
29 13,621 18,125 0 31,746 42.91% 57.09%
30 20,741 18,238 0 38,979 53.21% 46.79%
31 16,745 9,745 1,252 27,742 60.36% 35.13%
32 13,320 8,533 0 21,853 60.95% 39.05%
33 21,554 6,139 0 27,693 77.83% 22.17%
34 10,368 7,846 0 18,214 56.92% 43.08%
35 22,104 0 0 22,104 100.00% 0.00%
36 14,154 9,383 0 23,537 60.14% 39.86%
37 18,707 8,259 0 26,966 69.37% 30.63%
38 0 12,632 0 12,632 0.00% 100.00%
39 19,077 0 0 19,077 100.00% 0.00%
40 15,889 10,667 0 26,556 59.83% 40.17%
41 12,529 12,346 0 24,875 50.37% 49.63%
42 18,743 0 0 18,743 100.00% 0.00%
43 19,016 0 3,211 22,227 85.55% 0.00%
44 19,367 0 0 19,367 100.00% 0.00%
45 14,815 0 0 14,815 100.00% 0.00%
46 19,351 0 0 19,351 100.00% 0.00%
47 17,268 5,149 617 23,034 74.97% 22.35%
48 17,891 0 0 17,891 100.00% 0.00%
49 12,434 0 0 12,434 100.00% 0.00%
50 15,580 8,012 0 23,592 66.04% 33.96%
51 18,934 5,545 1,574 26,053 72.67% 21.28%
52 10,574 8,825 0 19,399 54.51% 45.49%
53 20,843 8,586 0 29,429 70.82% 29.18%
54 0 19,852 0 19,852 0.00% 100.00%
55 13,915 22,183 0 36,098 38.55% 61.45%
56 20,968 0 0 20,968 100.00% 0.00%
57 18,198 17,483 0 35,681 51.00% 49.00%
58 15,317 18,367 0 33,684 45.47% 54.53%
59 18,529 13,275 0 31,804 58.26% 41.74%
60 24,395 11,735 0 36,130 67.52% 32.48%
61 20,612 10,952 0 31,564 65.30% 34.70%
62 16,402 10,169 0 26,571 61.73% 38.27%
63 21,645 0 0 21,645 100.00% 0.00%
64 15,326 12,778 0 28,104 54.53% 45.47%
65 13,656 15,406 0 29,062 46.99% 53.01%
66 13,592 10,786 0 24,378 55.76% 44.24%
67 19,303 9,854 629 29,786 64.81% 33.08%
68 27,516 0 0 27,516 100.00% 0.00%
69 23,189 0 0 23,189 100.00% 0.00%
70 9,664 13,836 674 24,174 39.98% 57.24%
71 18,152 17,485 0 35,637 50.94% 49.06%
72 22,684 10,585 0 33,269 68.18% 31.82%
73 19,435 16,216 0 35,651 54.51% 45.49%
74 19,418 0 0 19,418 100.00% 0.00%
75 11,042 9,831 0 20,873 52.90% 47.10%
76 8,185 14,541 0 22,726 36.02% 63.98%
77 0 18,587 0 18,587 0.00% 100.00%
78 0 27,269 0 27,269 0.00% 100.00%
79 0 20,225 0 20,225 0.00% 100.00%
80 0 20,570 0 20,570 0.00% 100.00%
81 0 18,355 0 18,355 0.00% 100.00%
82 14,286 14,208 0 28,494 50.14% 49.86%
83 18,811 13,361 0 32,172 58.47% 41.53%
84 14,046 15,899 0 29,945 46.91% 53.09%
85 0 12,335 0 12,335 0.00% 100.00%
86 14,362 11,083 0 25,445 56.44% 43.56%
87 4,234 14,847 0 19,081 22.19% 77.81%
88 6,145 12,240 0 18,385 33.42% 66.58%
89 14,739 14,218 0 28,957 50.90% 49.10%
90 17,131 10,000 0 27,131 63.14% 36.86%
91 5,547 13,310 0 18,857 29.42% 70.58%
92 3,313 11,807 0 15,120 21.91% 78.09%
93 3,911 12,460 0 16,371 23.89% 76.11%
94 6,481 8,187 0 14,668 44.18% 55.82%
95 0 12,637 0 12,637 0.00% 100.00%
96 8,749 11,723 0 20,472 42.74% 57.26%
97 11,555 12,734 0 24,289 47.57% 52.43%
98 17,426 0 0 17,426 100.00% 0.00%
99 15,126 11,253 0 26,379 57.34% 42.66%
100 15,685 10,581 0 26,266 59.72% 40.28%
Total 1,144,704 1,186,887 15,931 2,347,522 48.76% 50.56%
Margin   D +42,183   D +1.80%    

Virginia State House District 21

The 21st State House district of Virginia is located on the outskirts of the Northern Virginia region and is a strongly Democratic leaning district, as it is a district Biden heavily won in 2020. The district is entirely composed of a portion of Prince William County. However, it has been more open to voting for Republicans down ballot in off-year elections, as the 2021 election saw a remarkably close race for the district.

In the 2023 primaries for the 21st House District of Virginia, the Democratic incumbent retired rather than attempt to seek re-election after the redistricting process was completed. Democratic nominee Josh Thomas ran unopposed in that party primary, while Republican John Stirrup placed first with 2,881 votes (65.06%) in the Republican primary, with the runner-up, Josh Quill, earning 1,547 votes (34.94%). Both Thomas and Stirrup advanced to the general election in November.

21st District Election Data (In November Election)

County Stirrup Stirrup % Thomas Thomas % 3rd Total
Prince William 12,951 48.10% 13,926 51.72% 50 26,927
Total 12,951 48.10% 13,926 51.72% 50 26,927
Margin     D +975 D +3.62%    

In the general election, Thomas won the district 13,926 – 12,951 votes (51.72-48.10%) against Stirrup, with a margin of 975 votes (3.62%). This district will be a Republican target in the 2025 elections, when the Virginia State House is next up for election.

Virginia State House District 22

The 22nd State House District of Virginia is located on the outskirts of Northern Virginia, to the south of the 21st District, and is a competitive district, was won by President Joe Biden in his 2020 election victory, but is more open to voting for Republicans down-ballot. The district was host to an open election in 2023 after redistricting. The district is composed entirely of a portion of Prince William County.

In the primary elections for the district, Republican candidate Ian Lovejoy and Democratic candidate Travis Nembhard ran unopposed in their respective primaries, advancing to the general election automatically. Both candidates faced off in a highly competitive November election.

22nd District Election Data (In November Election)

County Lovejoy Lovejoy % Nembhard Nembhard % 3rd Total
Prince William 16,032 52.19% 14,616 47.58% 70 30,718
Total 16,032 52.19% 14,616 47.58% 70 30,718
Margin R +1,416 R +4.61%        

In the general election, Lovejoy defeated Nembhard 16,032 – 14,616 votes (52.19-47.58%) in the district, running ahead of former President Trump’s share of the vote. He finished with an overall margin of 1,416 votes (4.61%). This will be another closely fought district in 2025.

Virginia State House District 30

The 30th State House District of Virginia is in the upper middle portion of Northern Virginia and is composed of parts of Fauquier and Loudoun counties. It is a district that President Biden narrowly won in 2020 but is moderately more Republican down-ballot. The Republican incumbent, Dave LaRock entered the race for the 1st State Senate District of Virginia, so this seat was host to an open election.

In the primary elections for the 30th State House District, Republican Geary Higgins and Democrat Robert Banse ran unopposed in their respective primaries, advancing to the general election in November.

30th District Election Data (In November Election)

County Higgins Higgins % Banse Banse % 3rd Total
Fauquier 2,603 55.64% 2,072 44.29% 3 4,678
Loudoun 18,138 52.78% 16,166 47.04% 63 34,367
Total 20,741 53.12% 18,238 46.71% 66 39,045
Margin R +2,503 R +6.41%                      

In the general election, Geary Higgins won both counties in the district by a combined 20,741 – 18,238 votes (53.12 – 46.71%), winning with a margin of 2,503 votes (6.41%). This seat will be competitive in 2025.

Virginia State House District 41

The 41st State House District of Virginia is comprised of portions of Montgomery and Roanoke counties and is a battleground district as it was narrowly won by former President Trump in his re-election bid. In 2023, the seat was host to an open election as there was no incumbent running.

In the primary elections for the 41st House of Delegates seat, Republican Chris Obenshain emerged victorious from a hard-fought Republican convention with 294 votes (58.00%) while the other Republican candidate in the election, Lowell Bowman, won 213 votes (42.00%). Lily Franklin, the Democratic nominee, did not face primary opposition and Obenshain and Franklin advanced to the general election in November.

41st District Election Data (In November Election)

County/City Obershain Obershain % Franklin Franklin % 3rd Total
Montgomery 7,780 43.65% 10,022 56.22% 23 17,825
Roanoke 4,749 67.09% 2,324 32.83% 6 7,079
Total 12,529 50.31% 12,346 49.57% 29 24,904
Margin R +183 R +0.74%        

In the general election, Obershain won an extremely narrow victory by limiting Franklin’s margins in Montgomery County (Franklin won 10,022 – 7,780 votes), while winning Roanoke County (Obershain won it 4,749 – 2,324 votes). When the results were tallied, Obershain’s margin in Roanoke had led to a 12,529 – 12,346 vote (50.31% -49.57%) victory in the district, allowing Obershain to win by a razor thin margin of 183 votes (or by 0.74%).

Virginia State House District 57

The 57th State House District of Virginia is made up of portions of Goochland and Henrico Counties, and was a district that President Biden won in 2020 by a larger margin than some of the other battleground districts covered in this article. The district was host to an open seat election.

In the primary elections, the only Republican to file in the Republican primary, David Owen, did not face any primary opposition, so Owen advanced the general election. In the Democratic primary, Susanna Gibson won first place with 3,181 votes (55.27%), while the runner up, Bob Shippee, secured 2,574 votes (44.73%). The Democratic nominee was tarred by an online sexual scandal involving both her husband and her heading into the general election, which was thought to be a blow to her electoral chances. Elections Daily’s rating for this election was Lean Republican.

57th District Election Data (In November Election)

County Owen Owen % Gibson Gibson % 3rd Total
Goochland 3,802 65.96% 1,945 33.74% 17 5,764
Henrico 14,396 47.86% 15,538 51.65% 148 30,082
Total 18,198 50.77% 17,483 48.77% 165 35,846
Margin R +715 R +2.00%        

In the general election, Owen won Goochland by 65.96% – 33.74% and held Gibson to a 51.65% -47.86% victory in Henrico County (which constitutes the population base of the district), which allowed Owen to win the district 18,198 – 17,483 votes (50.77% – 48.77%), with a margin of 715 votes (2.00%).

Virginia State House District 65

The 65th State House District of Virginia is composed of parts of Spotsylvania and Stafford Counties, while including the city of Fredericksburg. The district was won by President Biden in 2020 and is slightly to moderately Democratic leaning in most election years. The Republican incumbent, Tara Durant, chose not to run for re-election and instead ran for State Senate, so this district saw an open seat race.

In the primary elections for the 65th State House District, Joshua Cole ran unopposed in the Democratic primary, while Republican candidate Lee Peters won that respective primary with 4,470 votes (78.93%). Michael Kasey placed second in the primary with 1,193 votes (21.07%). Both Cole and Peters advanced to the November election.,

65th District Election Data (In November Election)

County/City Peters Peters % Cole Cole % 3rd Total
Spotsylvania 1,938 50.87% 1,866 48.98% 6 3,810
Stafford 8,847 52.34% 7,993 47.29% 62 16,902
Fredericksburg City 2,871 34.01% 5,547 65.71% 24 8,442
Total 13,656 46.84% 15,406 52.84% 92 29,154
Margin     D +1,750 D +6.00%    

In the general election, Peters won both Spotsylvania and Stafford Counties by a combined margin of 10,785 – 9,859 votes, amounting to a 926-vote advantage. However, Cole won Fredericksburg City by 2,676 votes, allowing Cole to win the district 15,406 – 13,656 votes (52.84% – 46.84%), or by a margin of 1,750 votes (6.00%).

Virginia State House District 71

The 71st State House District of Virginia is comprised of parts of James City and New Kent Counties, as well as the entirety of the city of Williamsburg. The district is a slightly Democratic leaning battleground district, as the 2020 presidential election results would suggest. The Republican incumbent, Amanda Batten, ran for re-election.

Both Batten and the Democratic nominee, Jessica Anderson, ran unopposed in their respective primaries, advancing to the general election. Elections Daily ranked this race as Likely Republican, signifying that Republicans had a sizable advantage in the district in the general.

71st District Election Data (In November Election)

County/City Batten Batten % Anderson Anderson % 3rd Total
James City 13,316 51.95% 12,308 48.01% 10 25,634
New Kent 3,271 67.61% 1,558 32.20% 9 4,838
Williamsburg City 1,565 30.17% 3,619 69.77% 3 5,187
Total 18,152 50.90% 17,485 49.03% 22 35,659
Margin R +667 R +1.87%        

In the general election, Batten won both James City and New Kent Counties by a combined margin of 16,587 – 13,866 votes, providing Batten with a net margin of 2,721 votes, which was enough to overpower Anderson’s win in Williamsburg City of 2,054 votes, allowing Batten to win the district 18,152 – 17,485 votes (50.90% – 49.03%), or with an overall margin of 667 votes (1.87%).

Virginia State House District 75

The 75th State House District of Virginia is composed of parts of Chesterfield and Prince George Counties, as well the entirety of Hopewell city. The district is a marginal battleground district won by President Biden in his 2020 presidential bid. The Republican incumbent, Carrie Coyner, ran for re-election in the 2023 elections.

Both Coyner and the Democratic nominee, Stephen Miller-Pitts, ran unopposed in their respective primaries, so both advanced to the general election held in November. Elections Daily rated this district as one with a Likely Republican advantage.

75th District Election Data (In November Election)

County/City Coyner Coyner % Miller-Pitts Miller-Pitts % 3rd Total
Chesterfield 7,545 55.19% 6,088 44.53% 38 13,671
Prince George 1,231 46.02% 1,441 53.87% 3 2,675
Hopewell City 2,266 49.43% 2,302 50.22% 16 4,584
Total 11,042 52.76% 9,831 46.97% 57 20,930
Margin R +1,211 R +5.79%        

In the general election, Miller-Pitts won Prince George County and Hopewell City by a combined 3,743 – 3,497 votes, netting a margin of 246 votes from those two counties. However, Coyner won the population center of the district, Chesterfield County, 7,545 – 6,088 votes, netting a margin of 1,457 votes, which was enough to overpower Miller-Pitt’s edge in the other two counties, allowing Coyner to win the district 11,042 – 9,831 votes (52.76 – 46.97%), with a margin of 1,211 votes (5.79%).

Virginia State House District 82

The 82nd State House District of Virginia contains parts of Dinwiddie, Prince George, and all of Surry County, as well as the entire city of Petersburg. Based on the 2020 Presidential election results, Biden would have won the district. The Republican incumbent, Kim Taylor, ran for re-election in 2023.

In the Republican primary, Taylor ran unopposed, while in the Democratic primary, Kimberly Pope Adams won the nomination with 5,199 votes (60.69%). Victor McKenzie placed second with 3,368 votes (39.31%). Both Taylor and Adams advanced to the general election in November, which Elections Daily rated as Lean Republican.

82nd District Election Data (In November Election)

County/City Taylor Taylor % Adams Adams % 3rd Total
Dinwiddie 5,802 62.58% 3,447 37.18% 22 9,271
Prince George 5,782 69.38% 2,541 30.49% 11 8,334
Surry 1,701 50.21% 1,683 49.68% 4 3,388
Petersburg City 1,001 13.26% 6,537 86.59% 11 7,549
Total 14,286 50.05% 14,208 49.78% 48 28,542
Margin R +78 R +0.27%        

In the general election, Taylor won Dinwiddie, Prince George, and Surry counties by a combined 13,285 – 7,671 votes, providing Taylor a net margin of 5,614 votes. Adams won Petersburg City by 6,537 – 1,001 votes, which netted a margin of 5,536 votes. Taylor narrowly won the district 14,286 – 14,208 votes (50.05% – 49.78%), with a margin of seventy-eight votes (0.27%).

Virginia State House District 84

The 84th State House District of Virginia is composed of Isle of Wight County, with part of Suffolk City and the entirety of Franklin City rounding out the remainder of the district boundaries. The district was won by President Biden in 2020 by a significant margin. As a result of redistricting, Republican incumbent Emily Brewer (who chose to seek election to the State Senate), and Democratic incumbent Nadarius Clark were put together in the same district. Clark ran for re-election to the 84th district in 2023.

In the Democratic primary, Nadarius Clark won the nomination with 4,176 votes (81.72%), while Michele Joyce finished second with 934 votes (18.28%). In the Republican primary, Michael Dillender won the Republican nomination with 3,741 votes (67.33%), while Rod Thompson places second with 1,815 votes (32.67%). Both Clark and Dillender advanced to the general election in November.

84th District Election Data (In November Election)

County/City Dillender Dillender % Clark Clark % 3rd Total
Isle of Wight 2,970 68.06% 1,389 31.83% 5 4,364
Chesapeake City 13 12.50% 90 86.54% 1 104
Franklin City 1,095 42.82% 1,457 56.98% 5 2,557
Suffolk City 9,968 43.38% 12,963 56.41% 47 22,978
Total 14,046 46.82% 15,899 52.99% 58 30,003
Margin     D +1,853 D +6.17%    

In the general election, Dillender won Isle of Wight County 2,970 – 1,389 votes, netting a margin of 1,581 votes, but Clark won the three cities in the district by a combined 14,510 – 11,076 votes, which allowed a net margin of 3,434 votes. Because of the margin in the three cities, Clark carried the district 15,899 – 14,046 votes (52.99% – 46.82%), with a margin of 1,853 votes (6.17%).

Virginia State House District 89

The 89th State House District of Virginia is composed of parts of Chesapeake and Suffolk Cities and is a battleground house district, as President Biden would have won the district by a narrow margin in 2020. The Democratic incumbent, Clint Jenkins, instead opted to run for State Senate, leaving the district open.

In the Democratic primary, Karen Jenkins, ran unopposed, while the Republican firehouse primary nominated Baxter Ennis with 814 votes in the second round. Don Carey finished second in the firehouse primary with 594 votes, while Jason Wooldridge was eliminated after the first round. Both Jenkins and Ennis advanced to the general election, where Elections Daily rated the race as having a Leans Republican tilt.

89th District Election Data (In November Election)

County/City Ennis Ennis % Jenkins Jenkins % 3rd Total
Chesapeake City 10,117 51.07% 9,645 48.69% 48 19,810
Suffolk City 4,622 50.11% 4,573 49.58% 29 9,224
Total 14,739 50.76% 14,218 48.97% 77 29,034
Margin R +521 R +1.79%        

In the general election, Ennis won both cities in the district, allowing Ennis to earn a 14,739 – 14,218 vote (50.76% – 48.97%) victory district-wide, with a winning margin of 521 votes (1.79%).

Virginia State House District 97

The 97th State House District of Virginia is entirely composed of parts of Virginia Beach, and is a moderately Biden won district in 2020. The Republican incumbent, Karen Greenhalgh, ran for re-election in 2023.

Both Greenhalgh and Michael Feggans (the Democratic nominee), advanced unopposed from their respective primaries to the general election.

97th District Election Data (In November Election)

County Greenhalgh Greenhalgh % Feggans Feggans % 3rd Total
Virginia Beach City 11,555 47.52% 12,734 52.37% 28 24,317
Total 11,555 47.52% 12,734 52.37% 28 24,317
Margin     D +1,179 D +4.85%    

In the general election, Feggans won the only part of the district, enabling a 12,734 – 11,555 vote victory (52.37% – 47.52%), with a margin of 1,179 votes (4.85%).  

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