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The 2024 Conservative Party Manifesto: A Guide

The Conservative Party have released their manifesto for the upcoming July election. This is a light summary of said manifesto, with the most important parts included.

Workers, Transport and The Economy

Despite the tax burden being the highest since World War II, the Tories are determined to show themselves as the party of low taxes and business. There is particular emphasis on the devolved nations, the north and the midlands, as these places are often forgotten in favour of London and the south. They’ve also emphasised repealing EU law and red tape. 

Children and Young People

The National Service model introduced by Sunak has been controversial to say the least. Polling had been cold on the idea, and most feel like it hasn’t been well thought out. Nevertheless, Sunak and co are pushing it.

Immigration and Security

Despite promises to lower immigration, the Tories have overseen a record amount of people coming over since 2010. The country has also seen a lot of migrants coming over on small boats through the English Channel, with the outcome sometimes deadly. In hopes of eliminating this, the Tories introduced a scheme to send these migrants to Rwanda to be processed. The issue is very divisive. Some people think that it won’t go far enough, whilst others think that it is cruel. Many just don’t see it working. It has been challenged by human rights lawyers.

Defence is also important in a new world. With the UK armed forces not up to previous standard, the Tories are promising to help.

NHS and Communities

The NHS is considered a sacred cow in the UK, and any suggestions regarding reform are often batted away with accusations of privatisation. The Conservative Party is historically seen as less friendly towards the NHS than Labour, but their manifesto assures voters that they are the ones funding health at a better level. Dental services are a particular issue, as many are struggling to get seen. Dentists themselves say that they cannot afford to bring on new NHS patients, which make up the majority of the population. 

Crime and transport are also a huge issue. The government controversially cancelled much of HS2, and trains are comparatively expensive compared to other European countries. Because of prison overcrowding, some inmates are being released early. The Tories are promising to be tough on law and order, something they are historically seen as better at.

Civil Service and Government

There is a lot of controversy in the rise of equality and diversity schemes, some of which are costing a lot of money. The government seems to recognise this, and are pledging to cut it, though they have also funded a lot of them.

Families and the Elderly

The Conservatives seem to be courting the silver vote this year, and are doing so by offering more to pensioners. Whilst nobody wants to see the elderly struggle, many feel that the government is helping older voters at the expense of the young. It’s not a surprise, as over 60s are the only voting demographic of whom the majority vote Conservative.


Housing. Sweet housing. House prices in the UK are not cheap to say the least, especially compared to income. Blame often comes down to a lack of house building, whilst others point to immigration causing a decrease in supply, especially in social housing. Rental prices are also rather high, especially in London. The Tories are promising to build more homes.

If you hate yourself like me and want to read the whole Conservative Party manifesto, you can find it here.

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