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Campaign Diaries: Nikki Haley (October 9-15)

October 9

Nikki Haley’s team announced that she’d raised more than $11m in her third quarter, totalling $26m ever since she announced her campaign. 

The campaign is opening its first headquarters in Clive, Iowa and hiring two new staffers. The Iowa team is also expanding generally.

Haley called for the following in regards to combatting Iran and helping Israel:

She also had the following to say:

“Saturday’s terrorist massacre in Israel, murdering hundreds of innocent Israelis and at least nine innocent Americans, is another moment of moral clarity. The fanatic Hamas terrorist group must be destroyed. But Hamas is only a small symptom of a larger disease. Iran, Russia, and China are in league together, attacking Americans, American allies, and American values. This is a battle between the civilized world and barbarians. America must stand up for our citizens, our values, and our friends. Today, many are rallying to Israel’s side, as they should. But history has taught us that such support is often short-lived. There will be tough days and weeks ahead. Our commitment to Israel must not waver. It is central to our own security and to who we are as a country.”

Haley also appeared on Sean Hannity. 

October 10

Haley condemned the UN Human Rights Council, declaring it to be a “farce”. She said:

“I saw it firsthand as Ambassador, and today is further proof. China and Cuba are some of the worst human rights abusers in the world, and today they won reelection to an entity that is supposed to protect human rights. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: the UN Human Rights Council is a sham and an organization that is not worthy of its name.”

October 11

Haley appeared on Fox and Friends. The discussion centred on the issues that are happening in the Middle East. 

Haley called on the Biden administration to freeze the $6 billion in assets that the Iranians are set to receive after a hostage exchange.

October 12

Haley received an endorsement from New Hampshire State Senator Bill Gannon. You can read it here

She disagreed with Senator Bernie Sanders’ assessment that Israel needs to show restraint: “At the UN, I saw what happens when Israel defends herself. Every time Israel fights back, she is criticized. It will be even worse this time. The coming ground battle in Gaza will be hard and long, but it is absolutely necessary. America cannot waver. Much of the civilized world stands with Israel when she gets hit. It is essential that we continue to stand with Israel when she hits back. If America or any other country faced a similar massacre, we would fight back with far less restraint. To quote Golda Meir, when an evil enemy comes after your children, ‘there is no choice.’ The only choice is to eradicate the evil from this earth.”

October 13

Haley endorsed Students for Haley’s criticism of classmates who have sided with “savages” in the Israel crisis.

She officially filed for the New Hampshire Primary Ballot today. After filing, she had an interview with Fox News, in which she further supported Israel.

Polling has Haley at 6.6%. 

October 14

A quiet day for Haley. 

October 15

Haley was interviewed by Jake Tapper on CNN, with the topic being what is happening in Israel. She said that Republicans have only won the popular vote once in the last eight elections.

It was all about Israel for Nikki Haley this week. She’s always been open about being an ally of Israel and the things happening over there this week have allowed her to show off her credentials. Whilst she may have mentioned a few domestic issues, it seems that she’s really focusing on foreign policy this time. If the situation escalates any further, it’ll be interesting to see how Haley reacts.

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