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Elections Daily Political Pick ‘Em Contest

Elections Daily is excited to announce the launch of our new Political Pick ‘Em contest! We’ve compiled a list of the most important statewide races and are letting you, the readers, pick how they’ll turn out in a March Madness-style extravaganza. Think you can outsmart the pundits? Think you’ve got killer political instincts? Well here’s your chance to prove it.

In order to ensure the bets are reasonable, we’ve waited until a week before Election Day. Our bets are now open and you can join the contest at this link.

The Political Pick ‘Em contest will be active until a day before the election, so there will be plenty of time to fill in your bets. The contest is just for fun – there won’t be a prize (besides bragging rights). However, we’ll announce the winner on our Twitter account, so the whole world will know your skills!

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